Friday, January 17, 2014


he snores like you

I wonder if you know what it's like

to hang on so tightly

to memories I had

of you and me

so that one day when he asks

why we loved each other

we will both have a story to tell him

ours will be different, it's certain

but I hope at one time they were the same

when I loved you

and you loved me

and we laughed

and enjoyed each other's company

I can still remember

but the forgetting is setting in

and everything gets fuzzy

but there are those times

that I remember

that we were happy

all three of us

I made sure to take photos of it

so that we wouldn't ever have to forget

but maybe I hold on tighter

to things

that meant so much to me

but then again, I'm reminded of you



when I look in his eyes

when I look at his giant, round, beautiful, perfect head

he snores like you

and there's other stuff

that matters

maybe not so much

but I hope

that is, I pray

and I wish

that he knows

that I loved you

and you loved me