Wednesday, November 7, 2012

it's all happening

Orion in the winter sky
Gives me hope that no other constellation can contrive
The movement of the stars
The sway of the hips our Mother Earth can conjure
Today is a blessing, tomorrow is a gift
That we unwrap as our eyes greet the morning sun

Sometimes we wander 
In a world that is not built for our souls
Sometimes we encounter those that wish to blind us
From the ethereal beauty inherent to our beings
We are given eyes to see, yet we close them every chance we get 
Because the light is blinding

Walk into the sun
Shout as loud as your lungs will allow
This is the way
To the peace
The beauty
That our children are meant to inherit

Anything less is a travesty
The fervor, the intensity
That is what we should leave

The love
The honesty
The perpetual grace
That our bodies allow
The wind through the chimes
The front porch song
The music of the movement of the world around us

The only true currency in this world
Is how we achieve immortality through what we leave
In our words
Our images
Our view of how the world should be
Our utopian dream

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